Bodybuilding motivation doesn't have to be limited to videos of muscular athletes training. Subtle indicators of your goal can be placed around the house or workplace to assist you in moving forward. Listening to informative or inspirational audios in your car or elsewhere might help, too.
While I'm a strong believer in visualization as a means to incite enthusiasm associated with virtually any objective, what's currently available/accessible isn't personalized nor does it target the core of your intentions with getting in shape. Here are some less conventional (yet equally effective) ways of taking your bodybuilding journey to the next level.
Timeless Photos
The best physiques aren't easily defined by an era. A quick search online will pull up thousands of images; still, it's important to use specific criteria/keywords when looking for your ideal bodybuilder (or fitness influencer) as an example of what you'd like to achieve — the reason being that more recent results are sometimes favored (i.e., considered more relevant) in general searches. Digging deeper by use of terms such as classic and golden physiques will take you back a few decades, introducing worthwhile matches from eras prior to performance enhancing drugs or the abuse thereof.
If v-tapered (i.e., v-shaped) frames, meaning those displaying a wide back with a small waist and/or tight abs (considered by many bodybuilding enthusiasts to be more aesthetically pleasing relative to a significantly larger bodybuilder with a blockier mid-section) are your thing — the above-mentioned photos will provide much-needed motivation in your quest to a better body.
Quicker Workouts
Results are naturally, no pun intended, what everyone's after. But when it comes to a feat requiring as much discipline as the acquisition of your dream build, quicker workouts will make it easier to be consistent. Training from home is the most obvious means for accomplishing this. Another is utilizing the circuit method, essentially performing exercises with little to no rest in between (which also saves time by cutting out the need for more cardio-related/aerobic activity). Much of the time, individuals who train regularly get burned out for the simple fact that working out for upwards of 3 hours per day, 6 days per week does get tiresome (especially after years of including this repetitive a lifestyle).
A Sense of Purpose
Why are you doing this? What is the reason behind this high level of commitment in order to achieve extraordinary bodybuilding results (aside from the goal itself)?
I'd argue that it's simply who you are. You could easily swap the hours of weekly training, eating, and rest for a greater chance at success in other areas. You can learn a new skill. You can experience better relationships. You can contribute to a selfless cause. So, why don't you? Because you're you, and you have a calling... one that could potentially accomplish all of the above, almost simultaneously. It's a risk, but one you're likely willing to take if you've arrived at this juncture. And if you've already made the decision, then strike hesitation from your daily routine.